Nocturn – A Foray into Owl Art

Owl Art, Luna Moths and Golden Balls in this Nocturn Painting Symbolism, luna moths and a foray into owl art make up my latest imaginative realism painting, Nocturn. Where Do You Get Your Crazy Ideas From? People often ask me where I get my ideas from. It’s the hardest question to answer, honestly. Because the answer is “the depths of my weird brain.” I tend to interpret the question as more of an enquiry into process. More of a “how do I tap into the part of my brain where the ideas live?” The answer is: it varies, honestly.  Some … Continue readingNocturn – A Foray into Owl Art

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Joy – Imaginative Realism and Frida Kahlo

How Much of Imaginative Realism is Pure Imagination? A mini-meltdown on finishing my latest imaginative realism had me asking the question: How much of the art that we create is derivative? It’s no secret that I never know what my imaginative realism whimsical ladies will look like until I start painting them – it’s one of the comments I always make on my Instagram stories when I’m posting my art process pictures. Some followers apparently now keep their eyes on my highlights when I’m painting the magical women just to see what my brain decides upon on the day I reach the face. It’s truly freeing, … Continue readingJoy – Imaginative Realism and Frida Kahlo

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Dear Instagram – An Open Letter from the Artists

Dear Instagram You’re killing us! It sounds dramatic, but it’s true. Who are we? Oh, we’re the artists you’ve been toying with like a cat plays with mice.  You cut us some slack just to pounce on us over and over again until we either give up or you finally claw our lights out. This has become an abusive relationship, Instagram. You’ve isolated us, pushed our other friends away so they become paler in comparison to your so-called might and we believed you – trying to find a way to make you happy, abandoning our friends in turn, leaving our … Continue readingDear Instagram – An Open Letter from the Artists

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Imbolc – A Celebration of New Beginnings and Art

The Art of Religion A move away from art commissions and towards imaginative realism has been a steep learning curve in business and a truly exciting foray into the mystical and magical. I’ve always had an interest in religion. Perhaps because I’ve been an atheist since I was very young, all religion fascinates me – the stories, the crossovers, the symbolism. It’s just all so spellbindingly exciting. Don’t get me wrong, when I say I’m an atheist, I mean I don’t believe in organised religion. Sun worship makes sense to me (yes, even as a pasty ginger) and the importance … Continue readingImbolc – A Celebration of New Beginnings and Art

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Is Saatchi the Place to Buy Art Prints Online?

Buying Art Online – Is Saatchi Where it’s at? Internet shopping is the new normal. But buying art online can be tricky, whether it’s original art or art prints. At least if you’re buying directly from the artist, you can have a conversation to test the waters and get a feel for who the artist is and what they stand for. But what if your artist of choice only sells through an online gallery, such as Saatchi? What reassurance do you have when dealing with the middle man? Luckily Edinburgh-based artist, Grant Creegan, is here to soothe your concerns. At least where the … Continue readingIs Saatchi the Place to Buy Art Prints Online?

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Galene’s Kiss – Mermaid Goddess of the Calm Seas

Mermaid Goddess of Calm Seas Galene is one of the 50s nereids of the sea. She is one of the lesser known deities – mermaid goddess of the calm seas, a symbol of great power and clemency. She is also known as one of the most adaptable of the mythical creatures, encompassing a nereid, a naiad, a nymph, and a goddess – all of those entities being separate things. As I mentioned in the story of how my mermaid painting, Fighter came about, artists throughout history have been fascinated with these magical creatures, and I’m no exception. Maybe it’s because … Continue readingGalene’s Kiss – Mermaid Goddess of the Calm Seas

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Fighter – Mermaid Art and Japanese Fighting Fish

Mermaids in Art There have been many depictions of mermaids in art throughout history, whether that’s in traditional art, in song, in storytelling, or in films. A mermaid is said to be an aquatic creature with the torso of a human female and the tail of a fish. It is said that the goddess, Atargatis, turned herself into a mermaid in shame when she accidentally killed her human lover. Mermaid mythology has roots in the siren mythology, although traditionally sirens are seen with musical instruments or as half bird creatures. But sirens seem to take a back seat to mermaids … Continue readingFighter – Mermaid Art and Japanese Fighting Fish

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Nap Time – Erotic Art and The Female Form

Nap Time – Erotic Art Although nudity and erotica is widely criticised by many, there’s no denying that art has been inherently linked to passion, expression and sensuality since its inception. The very first prehistoric scrawlings were generally of either penises or breasts… and in that urge is still evident in modern graffiti.  Emily Dewsnap – Artist Yorkshire (with penis doodle) Ahem… Of course art can also be magical or political or poignant, but it’s always undeniably fervent, created with enthusiasm and soul. Art is an outpouring of self and it should provoke a reaction, even if it was never … Continue readingNap Time – Erotic Art and The Female Form

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Phoetal – Mental Health in Art

The Long Suffering Artist It’s not essential to suffer for your art, but mental health issues do seem to be rife among artists. Whether it’s the mental illness that allows artists to see the world the way they do and create the art they create, or it’s the creation of art that changes the perspective, artists throughout history have been known not just for their creations, but for their quirks and neuroses. And I am no exception*. Self Portrait – Vincent Van Gough Mental Health and the Fetal Position When I started drawing Phoetal I had a different title in … Continue readingPhoetal – Mental Health in Art

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Swallowed – The Hollywood Starlet and the ’50s Housewive

Painting the Iconic 50s There’s something about that vintage Hollywood starlet look that has captured each decade since the 1950s. Maybe it’s the sheer class of it all – that poised, seemingly effortless beauty. Or the smooth, perfectly coiffed hair and subtle eyeliner. From the ‘60s exaggerated wings to the 1978 film Grease to the rockabilly revival and Imelda May’s blonde streak, we hark back to the time when women were women in pretty dresses and perfect makeup. A time when women knew their place. The Hollywood Starlet Painting In Swallowed, I wanted to create a painting that had that … Continue readingSwallowed – The Hollywood Starlet and the ’50s Housewive

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Poison – Alchemy Painting

Painting Toxicity In its most obvious definition, poison is a chemical used to cause harm or death to another being via ingestion or injection. But there are other ways to interpret it; the word toxic is often used in the modern vernacular to describe a situation where one person can cause emotional damage to another. Manipulation and mind games can be equally as damaging, causing mental health issues, putting someone into harm’s way and, in some cases, death. Alchemists and Alchemy My fascination for witches and everything that the word witch encompasses is far too complex to cover in one … Continue readingPoison – Alchemy Painting

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